Adam in Myth and History: Ancient Israelite Perspectives on the Primal Human

Adam in Myth and History: Ancient Israelite Perspectives on the Primal Human


The first full-length treatment of the biblical "primal human" traditions in their ancient Israelite setting, this book provides historical-critical analyses of the relevant biblical traditions, sensitive both to the present literary context of the traditions and to their roots in the ancient Near East. The study focuses on Genesis 1-3, Ezekiel 28:1-10 and 11-19, Job 15:7-16, and Proverbs 8:22-31, to reveal the ways various tradents used these intermediary divine-human figures and to examine the underlying social significance shared by such traditions in the cultural milieu of ancient Israel.


Harvard Semitic Studies - HSS 48

Publisher's Version

Last updated on 09/17/2018